Mental health testing planned for three-year-olds as part of early intervention program

Mental health testing planned for three-year-olds as part of early intervention program

Every three-year-old child in Australia could have their mental health tested under an early intervention program currently being funded by the Australian government.

Patrick McGorry, an Australian psychiatrist at the University of Melbourne who pushes early intervention programs, has a following in the psychiatric industry who are eager to exploit a large class of potential patients, children as young as three years old whom they can diagnose as “at risk of developing psychosis.”

They use an organization called the  International Early Psychosis Association to promote early intervention internationally.

Of course, their primary published recommendations for “treatment” are antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and sedatives.

Since you already know that psychiatric drugs are harmful for adults, what do you think the effects would be on a three-year-old?

What kind of lunacy would screen toddlers for “the potential to develop mental illness later in life” and give them harmful and addictive mind-altering drugs?

For more information about this, read these posts:


What can you do about it?

Get educated about psychiatric fraud and abuse.

Write your local, state and federal representatives and express your dismay about mental health screening of children.

Become a member of CCHR St. Louis and help us fight back.

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