There is NO Controversy

Occasionally, reporters, news media, or other individuals CCHR encounters in the course of its activities, make the startling claim that the information CCHR provides about psychiatric fraud and abuse is “controversial.”

[controversial: something people disagree about or do not approve of; from Latin controversus “turned against, disputed”, from contra– “against” + vertere “to turn”]

We’d like to correct this impression and dispel this myth right now. Although, come to think of it, when you take the meaning of the word as “something people do not approve of,” you do come closer to the truth about psychiatry.

There can be no disagreement with the facts of psychiatric fraud and abuse. These facts have been repeatedly documented by CCHR since its founding in 1969. All the facts are there for your research, laid out in these reference sites:

So, again in fact, there is no controversy about the fraudulent nature of the psychiatric industry, or the harm of its treatments, or the abuse of its patients.

Where could people be getting this mistaken idea of controversy?

Well, among the majority of the general public there is a fundamental disagreement with and disapproval of psychiatry. And the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries certainly disagree with and disapprove of any effort to disseminate the truth and expose their fraud and abuse.

So, when someone tells you that “CCHR is controversial,” do not let them get away with this false idea. Any perceived controversy is actually put there by the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries themselves, in their desperate attempt to avoid the truth, their disagreement with being exposed as frauds, and their disapproval of anyone getting in the way of their blood money income.

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