We wondered if our readers had noticed a marked increase in violence and suicide reported recently in the media, and that many of those perpetrators had been in psychiatric hands or taking psychotropic drugs?
We are sure you also knew that the hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) started out as a psychiatric drug.
LSD was discovered in 1943 by Albert Hoffman, a chemist at the Sandoz pharmaceutical company in Switzerland. In the early 1950s, according to documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, the agency was concerned that the Russians were trying to buy the entire world’s supply of LSD. Both sides used the drug for mind-control and interrogation purposes.
To ensure a domestic supply of LSD, the CIA in 1953 signed a $400,000 contract with an American drug company to manufacture and supply the drug. This was done under Subproject 18 of the MK ULTRA program.
The first North American acidheads were psychiatrists, intelligence officers and military personnel themselves. Psychiatrists then turned America on to LSD. They distributed it to subjects in experiments and then used it in “treatment.”
Due to the severe adverse reactions from psychiatric drugs finally becoming a matter of public knowledge, as well as studies proving psychiatric drugs are no more effective than placebo, the psychiatric drug lords have now come up with what they are trying to sell as a novel approach — prescribe patients LSD.
The December, 2010 issue of Scientific American contains an article titled “Hallucinogens as Medicine,” suggesting that hallucinogens such as LSD and psilocybin be used to “treat” smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, depression, and other mental symptoms.
If you would like to write a letter to the editor about this, send it to Scientific American, 75 Varick Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10013-1917.
For more information about LSDÂ click here.
Police Perspective
For every violent murderer reported in the mainstream media as having been “taking medicine for depression,” there are many, many more incidences of violence that never make headlines.
Among the information that 911 dispatchers are trained to gather is the involvement of drugs or alcohol in the situations which are reported to 911. Ask any 911 operator if they have ever taken an emergency call that involved violence and psychiatric drugs and you are likely to get a “yes.”
This week’s Watchdog Radio show guest is Ronald Harvel, Chief of Police in Hurst, Illinois, population 805. Despite the size of his jurisdiction, he has found that the involvement of psychiatric drugs in reports to 911 is significant enough to warrant public concern and discussion.