Psychiatrist on Payroll of Glaxo Pleads Guilty to Research Fraud
A psychiatrist on the payroll of GlaxoSmithKline has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after pleading guilty to committing research fraud in trials of the company’s antidepressant Paxil on children.
Wyeth Execs Can’t Hide Behind Silence on Antidepressant Data
A lawsuit that alleges Wyeth executives told a series of lies about the antidepressant Pristiq — suggesting that it was a good treatment for post-menopause hot-flashes when they were sitting on study data showing a risk of heart and liver problems — gives new guidance to management on what counts as a false or misleading disclosure to investors.
A nutritional approach to psychiatry has been marginalized
A small branch of psychiatry called orthomolecular psychiatry which uses natural remedies has been developed over the last few decades to wean mental patients off pharmaceuticals. Of course, the American Psychiatric Association Big Pharma shills have thoroughly denounced the orthomolecular approach as “snake oil”.