Lack of Vitamin D can cause depression

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine studying the effects of vitamin D deficiency on the elderly have found a correlation of mild depression and forgetfulness with low levels of vitamin D, and as many as 75 percent of older adults suffer from a vitamin D deficiency.

[Editorial Comment: recently we purchased a bottle of Vitamin D at Trader Joe’s; compared to a bottle of prescription anti-depressant, it was loads cheaper and has no side effects. Your body can have a vitamin D deficiency that can cause mental symptoms; your body does not have a deficiency of any prescription anti-depressant drug. Drugs like these can only mask symptoms, they cannot and never will cure anything.]

Numerous studies show that undiagnosed and untreated physical problems can cause behavioral and emotional problems. Patients with actual physical conditions are routinely misdiagnosed with psychiatric disorders, then drugged and institutionalized. According to UCLA medical professor, Melvyn R. Werback, physicians diagnosing mental illness should check the patient’s dietary history and other nutritional factors. One state’s mental health evaluation field manual says that mental health professionals have a “legal obligation to recognize physical disease” that “may cause a patient’s mental disorder.”

Proper medical screening by non-psychiatric diagnostic specialists could eliminate more than 40% of psychiatric admissions. The emphasis of any mental health solution must be based on workable mental healing methods, beginning with a non-psychiatric medical examination of the patient and a diagnosis of any treatable physical ills affecting mental well-being.

Click here for more information about psychiatry’s false diagnoses.

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