Tag Archives: antidepressant

Erectile dysfunction drug mistakenly packaged with antidepressant

We can think of some lewd suggestions. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Usurps Climate Change Planning

The psycho-pharmaceutical industry has jumped full-time onto the climate change bandwagon. Continue reading

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Scientists Gave Ketamine to Sheep and were Baaaffled by the Result

The use of ketamine to treat so-called depression is unethical. Continue reading

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Psychiatry Cashing In On COVID-19

The psych-pharm industry setting pandemic sights on getting more drugs prescribed. Continue reading

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Paxil, the Antidepressant from Hell

New research using a novel approach to test for harmful drug side effects is showing that the common antidepressant paroxetine (Paxil, Seroxat) interferes with the growth of brain synapses (connection points between neurons), and thus can cause developmental neurotoxicity — … Continue reading

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Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

It can no longer be doubted that antidepressants are dangerous and can cause suicide and homicide at any age. Continue reading

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More About Psychiatric Drugs Causing Violence and Suicide

Akathisia suicides and homicides gave rise to the first antidepressant suicide advisories by the FDA. Continue reading

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Psychiatric Inpatients Have Elevated Risks for Adverse Reactions

The risk of adverse outcomes was highest in people using psychoactive drugs. Continue reading

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Psychiatrists Anxious to Treat All Child-bearing Women for Post-Partum Depression

The Drugging of ‘Post Partum Depression’ Continue reading

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Set It and Forget It Birth Control

Need we actually say that a depressive side effect of an IUD is not a “mental illness” requiring an antidepressant? Continue reading

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